Inspirational, impactful, highly acclaimed international keynote speaker. Author of eight books. Building leaders for the future through practical workshops and programmes.

We specialise in building leaders for the future. Creating equity in our workplaces and helping individuals build a life by design to live with purpose. We’re on a mission to put the being back into human-being.

We use ancient wisdom to solve modern problems. In the age of AI we’re all about the human-ness of our workplaces and our lives, the things that robots can’t do and the things that will be come even more critical as AI continues to evolve. Things like; connection, compassion, empathy communication and emotional intelligence. Understanding humans is our business and one of the most important ways we’ll navigate the future together.

In a world moving faster than we’re built for, we’ve lost touch with what it means to be human. We’ve become human doings, chasing more, burning out, and disconnecting from what truly matters.

More is not always better.  It’s time to slow down and reconnect—with ourselves, each other, and the world.

We stand at the crossroads of rapid technological advancement, shifting workplace dynamics, and a future that feels more uncertain each day. With burnout on the rise, the evolution of AI, economic instability, and global crises—from climate change to political upheaval—we find ourselves searching for something more, something deeper, something that unites us in a world that seems more divided than ever.

We’re living in systems our bodies and minds were not designed for. Chasing more, doing more, and sacrificing what truly matters in pursuit of material success has left us disconnected. We've mistaken busyness for purpose, external validation for meaning, and digital connectivity for real human connection. In the rush to live faster, we’ve forgotten how to live well.

It’s time for a radical shift from "doing" to "being."  We need to slow down. To create space in our lives, minds, and hearts for what truly matters. This is not about retreating from the world but about designing a way of living that honors who we are and what makes us whole.

We can’t always control what’s happening around us, but we can control how we show up in the world. We can create space in our minds, hearts, and schedules for what really matters. We can choose calmony over chaos, connection over division, and purpose over busyness.   This is a call to step into our full humanity and to live from a place of authenticity, connection, and contentment.

Together, we can build a better world.
One where happy humans create lasting change.
One where we thrive, not just survive.
One where we come home to ourselves and to each other.

To go from full to fulfilled and from chaos to contentment.We are working on creating a world where:

  • Our leaders are energised and well, they perform at their peak and they are equipped to engage high performing teams and adapt for the future

  • In workplaces that are equal, where everyone can belong, bring their whole selves to work and do their best work.  Where diversity and inclusion isn’t a target or a work programme but just the way things are

  • Where people are well and happy, they are aligned to their values and live a life full of purpose


Customisable leadership development for your organisation to unlock the potential of your leaders

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An international speaker with TV & media experience, known for inspiring and motivating audiences.

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Work with me to unlock the potential of your people, through this suite of training and development workshops

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In this age of AI when we’ve become human-doings not human-beings what does being human really mean? When we put the being back into human-being we are more engaged at work, we perform better, we live with purpose and life becomes aligned to what matters.

We’ve focused on wellbeing for decades and yet burnout is on the rise and mental health is still the number one health issue our developed world is facing. It’s time to rediscover what being really means, in our work and in our life. Being is at the centre of everything we are and all that we do.

When we’re able to be ourselves we belong. When we’re able to be present we’re connected to our state of being. We’re aligned to who and what we’re being in the world and we’re able to do our best work - to make an impact. This in turn improves our wellbeing, performance and what it means to be human.